PBIS Documents:
PBIS - Star Cardinal Matrix
PBIS Cardinals
Our Positive Behavior Intervention and Support Plan is based on two beliefs - one is that we all like to be acknowledged for the good things we've done and the other is that we make mistakes. PBIS is a research-based approach to teaching behavior expectations and creating a positive climate in our school.
Cardinal Cash is used to acknowledge positive behaviors. Students earn Cardinal Cash throughout the week and they can use their cash to purchase coupons for fun rewards, as well as small prizes.
Each classroom teacher, grades 2-5, uses an infraction sheet to track inappropriate behaviors for two reasons - one is to keep students accountable and the other is to help us see patterns and provide appropriate interventions.
Each Friday, students have a reward recess. Teachers will also use this time to reteach behavior expectations to students who need additional instruction.
1-2-3 Magic is the framework used in kindergarten and first grade. This is research-based and provides more immediate consequences and recognition.
Grades 3-5 have PBIS incentive trips or activities at the end of each 9-week period. Participation is dependent on meeting expectations.
When there is a disruption (any behavior that is not following school expectations), teachers generally follow this hierarchy:
First Disruption: Non-verbal reminders (moving closer, the “teacher look”, etc.) will be given.
Second Disruption: Verbal reminder (re-statement of rules/expectations with reminders of consequences).
Third Disruption: The student receives a tally mark/infraction
Fourth Disruption: The student receives another tally mark/infraction and may conference with teacher.
Fifth Disruption: The student receives another tally/infraction and *Parent notification may be sent home for parents to sign and
return the next day*
After a student receives three parent notifications for classroom managed behavior, they are sent to Mrs. Dietrich with an office referral.
We get better results when we partner with parents and students to determine interventions. If your child has been referred to a “Tier 2” for behavioral intervention, you will be notified and informed of the interventions that we think will work best. Of course, we are open to parent and student feedback!